Ezekiel 3:9 “As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.”

We are living in a day where broad-mindedness is considered to be a great virtue. Ironically, being broad-minded today means being close-minded to the truth. Often “broad-minded” is defined by those who are very close-minded to God and the truth! Is it possible to be open-minded and hard-headed at the same time? Yes! Actually, it is imperative that you are!

The only way to be open-minded to the truth is to be hard-headed against anything that strays from the truth as defined by God. Ezekiel had to be hard-headed with God’s difficult message to a bunch of hard-hearted people. He was to be hard-headed in his pursuit of the truth, and open-hearted to what God had to say. One side demands the other. You can only be open-minded to God’s truth when you are hard-headed about God’s truth.

When you have an open mind toward God, and a heart for the people He loves, it is reasonable to be a little hard-headed for God, too. Don’t let having a broad mind equal having an empty head and heart. To lock God’s truth in, all falsehood must be locked out. It really is true that “if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.”

The only truly open mind is a mind open to the truth. The only way to be open-minded to the truth is to define it by absolute authority and be hard-headed against anything that strays from God’s standard.

Prayer Requests:
1. Ohio Regional Conference on Marriage & the Home this weekend (4.20-21)
2. WB Ladies Spring Getaway this weekend (4.21)
3. Services this weekend in Plainwell, MI; West Carrollton, OH; Madison, OH; White House, TN; King George, VA; and Burlington, MA

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