II Chronicles 2:6 “But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?”

Are You Wise Enough?

It has occurred to me recently that smart people are smart where they are smart. A wise man knows where he is not wise. Solomon was the wisest man on earth, but he knew that building the Temple required “cunning” men. The wisest man was wise enough to know that he was not wise enough!

Most of us are just wise enough to be dangerous, myself included. A skilled person who does not realize his limitations becomes a menace. He is just smart enough to be dangerous! If you give a man money or skill, but he lacks the wisdom to manage it, you are asking for trouble.

Knowing your limitations will give you a sense of modesty and the ability to ask for help. There is nothing wise about not asking for help! Solomon lined up people to do what he could not do. God gifted both Solomon and the countless skilled workers who built the temple. Solomon had great wisdom for governing God’s people, and the cunning men had great skill for building structures.

Everyone has been gifted by God to serve. A wise man will realize where he is not gifted. Don’t be just wise enough to not ask for help. If the wisest man on earth knew he wasn’t wise enough, realize that you are not wise enough either!

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