How to Pray Like Nehemiah

How to Pray Like Nehemiah

What do you think of when you think of Nehemiah’s story? You probably picture a man of initiative and bold action. Prayer is probably one of the words that comes to mind. When we are introduced to Nehemiah in chapter 1, we quickly become acquainted with Nehemiah’s...
Short-sighted or Surrendered?

Short-sighted or Surrendered?

After forty long years wandering in the wilderness, Moses and the children of Israel once again stood on the banks of the river Jordan, overlooking the Promised Land. As one of his last acts as leader, Moses gave this second generation of Israelites a history lesson....
Patience Makes Perfect

Patience Makes Perfect

I’ve never thought of myself as a patient person. I’m a restless soul. It seems that just as the next season is about to show up, I’ve been ready for a few weeks. Whenever the scenery changes, whether a new state, a new coffee shop, or a new park to visit, my soul...
Are You Overcome or an Overcomer?

Are You Overcome or an Overcomer?

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 Recently, have you felt exhausted, angry, depleted, sad, and helpless about what is going on in the world? I have, too. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, oppressive takeovers, corrupt leadership, the...