“Are You a Hardcore Christian?”

“Are You a Hardcore Christian?”

“So, are you a hardcore Christian?” This is the question devout Muslim Nabeel Qureshi asked his roommate David Wood. The two of them were entering their freshman year of college and they were on a trip for the college debate team. While the rest of the teammates had...
Why Worldview Matters

Why Worldview Matters

In Plato’s Apology, Plato describes the moment Socrates is found guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens and told to recant his philosophy. Plato quotes Socrates as having responded, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” What did Socrates mean by that and is he...
When Wickedness Is Winning

When Wickedness Is Winning

You read the news and you see wickedness winning. You attend your local school board meeting or city council meeting and you see wickedness winning. You skim social media and see that hurtful person from your past celebrating a win, a victory, a “blessing” that hasn’t...
What Makes Self-Love Self-Defeating

What Makes Self-Love Self-Defeating

Self-love is self-defeating. Now, that may seem contradictory. But before we can explain what makes self-love self-defeating, we must first define what we mean by self-love. According to Dr. Jeffrey Bornstein, “Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself . . ....
Pray Like It Works

Pray Like It Works

Are stories about “great prayer warriors” encouraging or discouraging to you? Let’s take the story of George Mueller for example. Mueller started and maintained an orphanage in Bristol, England, which was home to hundreds of orphans over the years. The needs of...