Genesis 9:21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.

Be the Hero of Your House, Not of the World


I don’t care who you are, where you live, or how much money you make, there will always be someone who will be unimpressed by what you are and what you do. That drives some people absolutely crazy. It leads many others to live lives that are not true, to do things that are not honest, or to portray themselves to be someone that they are not.

When I think about Noah, I think about a great man. He could almost be considered the hero of the world. All of us are descendants of one man who had the courage and determination to obey God and do what is right. Noah led his family. But like you and me, Noah was imperfect. Noah was largely defined, not by the great successes, but by the little defeats and victories of daily life.

After the floodwaters had receded and there was a new world populated only by Noah and his family, the Bible says in Genesis 9:20-21, “Noah began to be an husbandman, and planted a vineyard. And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and was uncovered within his tent.” What follows is a man who shamed himself in front of his children and was defeated in the small moments of life. It is a reminder that even the wisest of men can act foolishly when they are acting under the influence of something other than God.

It is better to be honored by the people in your house than to be the hero of the world. I hope you accomplish great thing today and that God uses you in a wonderful way, but many times the moments that define our lives the most are the small, quiet moments when it is just us and those closest to us. It is those moments that oftentimes will define who we are and the legacy we leave.

Noah was a great and godly man, but like us, Noah was just human. He was flawed. He reminds us that whoever we are and whatever we do, nothing is more important than the integrity we live in the small moments of our life.

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