Numbers 4:15b  “After that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die.  These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.”

The rebellion of Korah is well-known and documented for us in Numbers 16.  To fully understand Korah’s rebellion and God’s judgment, you must go back to chapter 4, where the Bible says, “These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath. . . .” Korah was a “son of Kohath,” so his God-given responsibility was to be the “moving van” for the most sacred parts of the tabernacle.  In Korah’s mind, what God had put in his charge was not big enough! (16:9)

Korah became so busy with others’ “burdens” that he would not take care of the burden he was entrusted with by God.  Don’t bear the burden of the world on your shoulders.  Simply lift the burden that God gives you. What God has given you is more than enough!

Sometimes I read about decisions people, primarily in leadership, had to make.  After reading about some of the decisions the President of the United States has to make, I wonder why in the world people are eager to run for election!  It is easy to think, “I could do better than that!”  Perhaps at times I could do better, but that is not my burden to bear.  God has not given me the weight of a country, but He has given me a specific burden to bear.  Lift the burden God gives you, not the burden He gives someone else!

Don’t let your days be filled with worry and frustration about someone else’s burden.  Just bear the burden God gives you!  It may not always be wrong to seek another position or a new responsibility at work or at church, and I am not implying that appealing to authority is wrong.  The point is, do not live your life weighed down by a burden that God never gave you. If you will carry the burden God has given you, it will help everyone else carry their own burdens!

Moses, Aaron, and Korah were all just servants with different God-given responsibilities.  Korah got into trouble when he became obsessed with bearing someone else’s burden.  We should all be shooting for the same goal, but we all have individual responsibilities. Are you bearing a burden today that God did not give you?  Thank God for the burden He has entrusted to you, and do your best to serve Him and bear that burden today!

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