
First Light Blog

To Judge or Not to Judge?—Lauren Rice

To Judge or Not to Judge?—Lauren Rice

We live in a very judgmentally anti-judgment culture. The greatest sin one could commit in our post-modern culture is to judge something to be wrong. Tolerance, on the other hand, is considered to be the ultimate virtue. Ironically, the hypocrisy of our current...

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The 2021 Church—Lauren Rice

The 2021 Church—Lauren Rice

The 2021 Inauguration Day was unique in several ways. The lights lining the Reflection Pool reminded us of the lives lost to COVID-19 over the past year. They also reminded us why the Inauguration was not attended like it has been in the past year. Strangely, the...

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Let’s Get Busy!—Lauren Rice

Let’s Get Busy!—Lauren Rice

Our nation is on a precipice. Either it will continue toward the edge until it plummets into the canyon of secularism and socialism, or it will inch back toward the solid ground of biblical principles and republicanism. As Christians, we play an important role in...

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