
First Light Blog

Non-Calvinist Evangelicals

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”—Acts 2:38 A new generation of Calvinists are cropping up as a reaction to the...

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Kids Listen When You Whisper

Our Ford was the sound stage for pandemonium. The stereo in our F-350 provided an accompaniment to three playing kids and two talking parents. Often, Sena claims that this is the only time the two of us have to talk, when we are both forced to sit still while we roll...

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Left Behind… in a Good Way!

The proud have had me greatly in derision: yet have I not declined from thy law.—Psalm 119:51 Have you ever been lost in a crowd? One minute you were with a group of friends or family; the next minute you turn around and find yourself facing unfamiliar faces. A...

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Get More From God’s Word, Part 2

Get More From God’s Word, Part 2

Have a Plan If you are going to get the most from God's Word, you will need to have a plan.  Attempting to read the Bible without a plan is something like landing at LaGuardia International Airport on Monday and hoping to take in all of New York City by...

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Get More From God’s Word, Part 1

Get More From God’s Word, Part 1

A Case for Reading the Bible Book by Book It was a Sunday in March two years ago that found me and my family ministering to a vibrant church in the Southwest. The people were warm to us and responsive to the preaching. Some responded to the preaching with an "Amen!"...

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The One Decision for Salvation

The One Decision for Salvation

Once at a church in New England, I asked a group of deaf adults: “Heart: what mean?”  I asked this question after a Sunday school lesson in which the word heart was signed often. For them to have understood the lesson, understanding the spiritual dynamic of the...

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Why Your Opportunity Looks Like a Problem

Why Your Opportunity Looks Like a Problem

A frigid wind scoured Chicago, but the toddler was burning with a fever. Her parents hovered by her crib and prayed for the storm to blow over. The storm threatening them was not some force outside their damp apartment; it was the spinal meningitis within the body of...

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Do You Value Achievement or Amusement?

The young star appeared on the field in a glare of lights as the restless crowd rushed the barriers keeping them at bay. Nearly one-hundred thousand fans had waited for this very moment, some of them for seven hours. Thousands were soon at him, a twenty-five-year-old...

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