
First Light Blog

How Friendliness Won a Teen Boy to Christ

Recently I witnessed a youth group that blessed my heart. They brought about fifteen or twenty teenagers to camp. Among them were at least three teens who had never been saved. What I observed was a youth group where everyone was a part of the group. This was due...

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How and When to Bring Your Child to Christ

For any earnest parent, there is a tension between the desire to bring a child to Jesus and the fear that a child is too young to decide.  I well remember how I felt when each of my children was at the age when I wasn't certain how much he understood, but I knew...

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Ministry’s Goal

One of the most instructive passages in the Bible to me as a preacher is Ephesians chapter four. Verse eleven provides legitimacy to my calling as well as to your pastor's. The verses that follow give us purpose for that calling. "And he gave some...evangelists; and...

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What to Do When You’re the Last to Know

Apparently my Chocolate Lab, Breck, barks at night.  Usually it is late at night, when people with work to do in the morning are trying to sleep.  My neighbors knew about this problem.  Now, I do, too! I feel embarrassed.  I knew that this was a problem, but I thought...

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Living for the Long Haul

How many sound, Bible-preaching churches do you know of that are more than one-hundred years old? How many preachers do you know of that have been at it for more than twenty years? There are not too many, are there?What about you? How long have you been doing what you...

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Five Ways to Be a Proactive Parent

Who do you want your child to be in twenty years? What can you actually do today to shape their tomorrow?Time is short. Don't be passive. Here are five ways to be a proactive parent:1. Don't ask; tell. Give your children freedom by giving them direction. Let's listen...

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Thanks for a Great Week!

"Thanks for a great week! You were a lot more help this year than last year."   These were the parting words from a youth pastor whose group I was privileged to have in my cabin two summers in a row as a counselor at the Bill Rice Ranch in the mid-1990s. It was a bit...

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Wisdom for Winning at Home

Who is the wisest man you know anything about?  "Solomon" is the answer, right?  The young king famously asked God for wisdom, God granted his request and Solomon's skill for governing God's people quickly became legendary.   Then how do you account for Solomon's ...

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