First Light Blog
No Thanksgiving without Christmas
The gift God gave us in the person of Christ at Christmas is the cause for our gratitude at Thanksgiving.
Who Is Jesus Looking For?
In the book of John, we see a few categories of people for whom Jesus came.
Living in the “Last Times”
The book of I Peter is not an admonition to “batten down the hatches” and “hold down the fort” until Jesus comes. Instead, Peter gives guidelines on how Christians should live in an ungodly culture so that they can influence the culture for Christ.
What Drives Your Life? Lessons from Ruth Part 2
While urgency and faulty assumptions make power grabs for the steering wheels of our lives, there is another thing that can drive us. And it leads to a much smoother ride.
What Drives Your Life? Lessons from Ruth Part 1
Perhaps, also like me, you have felt that your life is like this—a chaotic car ride with opposing drivers vying for the wheel. To resolve the inner turmoil that comes from opposing drivers, we must first note the possible drivers vying for control, and then consider which driver should have control.
Roe Is Gone. Now What?
How can we, as pro-life Christians, recreate a culture that values life, truly empowers women, and properly esteems motherhood? The answer is simple, although it is not easy.
What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple? Part 2
If being a disciple means anything, it means being a learner, as Jesus invited in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.”
Feminism, Fatherlessness, and Failing Our Sons
For years, our culture has pretended that the nuclear (biblical) family does not matter, but we cannot get away with it. Our boys are paying dearly for it, and so are we all.