
First Light Blog

A World Without Roe? Part Three

A World Without Roe? Part Three

The Court has been embroiled in one of the most morally and politically polarizing issues in America—abortion. The question the Court is answering is whether all pre-viability abortion bans are unconstitutional. There seem to be a few plausible ways the Court could answer this question.

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3 Keys to Keeping Our Commitments

3 Keys to Keeping Our Commitments

How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions? Some people make New Year’s Resolutions every year, while others view them as a pointless tradition. After all, they think, no one ever really keeps their New Year’s resolutions. Three weeks into the new year and that new...

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4 Essential Elements of Worship

4 Essential Elements of Worship

What do you think of when you hear the word worship? Perhaps you think of a church service, or music, or your quiet time with the Lord early in the morning. Whatever picture comes to mind, worship does mean something, and we should know what that meaning is. We are...

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