First Light Blog
What Do We Celebrate on the 4th of July?
Some people would say, “Well, obviously, we are celebrating America’s independence from Great Britain.” And certainly, that is part of the answer. But the Continental Congress had already voted for independence from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. In fact, on July 3,...
What Difference Do Fathers Make?
My stomach churned earlier this year when I watched videos of fatal altercations between children and police. All of us can agree that it shouldn’t have happened. But why did it happen? Many in the media say that the police failed these children. We can debate later...
Why Memorials Matter
On Monday we celebrate Memorial Day. But what exactly is Memorial Day and why does it matter? Well, a memorial, according to Merriam Webster, is “something that keeps remembrance alive” or something that is “serving to preserve remembrance.” The obvious question,...
The Epidemic of Casualness—Lauren Rice
Last week I attended my college graduation ceremony. Although I finished school in December, I wanted to return to campus and walk across the stage to receive my diploma from the college president. I wanted that sense of closure marking that one chapter was officially...
Are You a Progressive Christian?
Like many words in our English language, the word “progressive” has been highjacked. In the political context, the word progressive makes you think of a liberal or Left-leaning person who believes that the Constitution of the United States is a list of suggestions for...
Encouragement for Endurance
The first Olympic games in the United States were held in St. Louis as part of the World’s Fair in 1904. The key event of the 1904 Olympics was the marathon. The course stretched for 24.85 miles across roadways, railroad crossings, and seven steep hills with only two...
How to Be Caring without Being Careful
Are you the type of person that needs to fix everyone and everything? Maybe you see a problem and instantly try to analyze it and fix it. Perhaps you see an injustice done to someone and immediately fly to that person’s side to rectify it. While this may be an...
Obsessed with “Justice” or Doing Justly?— Lauren Rice
Justice is a word we hear almost constantly, whether we are reading the news, watching a movie, listening to a podcast or even a sermon, or chatting with our friends. Some Christians are so afraid of being labeled racist that they have sought to align themselves with...