
First Light Blog

What Are We Missing?

Mark 10:38 But Jesus said to them, Ye know not what ye ask. What Are We Missing? The other day I came home and was relaxing on my bed when suddenly I could hear some dishes clattering and could smell something delicious. Speaking to my family in the next room, I...

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Accurately Assess Jesus Christ

Mark 9:34 But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest. Accurately Assess Jesus Christ Are you competitive? If you just now jumped up, raised your hand and yelled “yes,” you probably are. If you are sitting...

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You Can Trust the Lord

Mark 8:25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly. You Can Trust the Lord I’ve probably told you before, but I hate to wait. I think most people do, and it has probably gotten worse in the...

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What Do You Think About Jesus?

Mark 5:17-18 And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts. And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. What Do You Think About Jesus?    It is incredible all the emotions...

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Evangelist Wil Rice IV

Evangelist Wil Rice preaches around the country in local church revival meetings and at the Ranch’s summer camps, year-round retreats, and regional conferences. He has a strong resolve to continue what his grandparents began over fifty years ago – reach deaf and hearing young people for Christ and see revival in the hearts of believers.

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