
First Light Blog

Can God Hear Me Now?

Psalm 66:19 "But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer." Can God Hear Me Now? Do you anticipate God to answer your prayers today? Certainly you can't expect an answer if you don't ask! But what about the things for which you will pray?...

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God Is Near

Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." God Is Near I love Psalm 46! God does not give us refuge; He is our refuge. He does not send strength; He is our strength. He does not give help; He is our help. The reason God is our refuge,...

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Peace and Perspective

Psalm 37:1 "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity." Peace and Perspective Have you looked at the news recently? It is almost a cliché to say that the news is discouraging. It is full of everything that is wrong...

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True Poverty and Prosperity

Psalm 35:10 "All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?" True Poverty and Prosperity Have you ever been to Hollywood or to Rodeo Drive in...

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Evangelist Wil Rice IV

Evangelist Wil Rice preaches around the country in local church revival meetings and at the Ranch’s summer camps, year-round retreats, and regional conferences. He has a strong resolve to continue what his grandparents began over fifty years ago – reach deaf and hearing young people for Christ and see revival in the hearts of believers.

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