First Light Blog

A ministry resource providing articles, sermon audio, and devotionals.


Your Natural Inheritance Needs Supernatural Grace

I Kings 4:29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore Haven’t...

What Does Easter Mean?

What better time to remind ourselves of the truth that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and resurrected from the grave? When evil is staring us in the face is the best time to consider the truth of Easter and what it means for us.

Are You Curious or Committed?

Curiosity may lead you to Jesus, but you must take a lingering look and listen to really know Jesus. Will you stay long enough to hear Jesus answer the question, “What is truth?”

Recent Devotionals

This Is Not the End

Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth Have you ever opened your eyes on the morning after a big day and said to yourself, “Now what?” After graduation, marriage, or some great success, you might think,...

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Our Witness and Advocate

Job 16:19 Also now, behold my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high Probably everyone listening could relate a story where you have been accused. Sometimes we say we are falsely accused, but the truth is, often the accusation is probably not completely false....

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