Psalm 66:19 “But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.”

Can God Hear Me Now?

Do you anticipate God to answer your prayers today? Certainly you can’t expect an answer if you don’t ask! But what about the things for which you will pray? Do you expect God to answer?

Psalm 66:18 famously says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” How could a holy God welcome a prayer from a heart that does not welcome Him? How could He hear a prayer that comes from a heart that will not hear Him? It is certain that God will not hear the prayers of someone who regards (welcomes, is open to) iniquity in his heart. However, too often we are skeptical about God’s willingness and eagerness to answer our prayers. Don’t allow one Biblical truth to outweigh another!

As many times as I’ve heard (and preached) from Psalm 66:18, I have rarely heard verse 19 preached! “But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.” God is called “O thou that hearest prayer” in Psalm 65:2. God wants to hear and answer your prayers!

Never confuse your reluctance to ask with God’s willingness to answer, and never confuse your unworthiness to ask with God’s worthiness to answer. The reason you ask is precisely because you are in need! You wouldn’t need to ask if you had it, now would you?

First, you ought not regard iniquity in your heart today. The Bible clearly says that God will not hear. But, secondly, you can have confidence that God will hear your prayer. Not only will He hear, but He wants to answer. He does not answer because you are good; He answers because He is gracious. Take your requests to our gracious Heavenly Father and expect Him to answer!

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