Genesis 13:11 “Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.”


If you had to choose between an easy choice and a hard choice, which one would you choose? That seems like a silly question, doesn’t it? No one would prefer a hard choice.

What is the hardest choice you have ever made? I do not mean hard as in “not clear,” but hard in the sense of a clear choice with unpleasant results. Abram and Lot were pushed to a tough decision because of possessions, but the choice was suffered by people. Possessions, places, and people were all affected by this choice!

What seemed like an easy choice for Lot between the “good land” and the “bad land” actually turned out to be a hard choice for his family. Sometimes the easiest choices to make are the hardest to live with. Easy choices for a twenty-year-old “sowing his wild oats” become hard to live with when he’s fifty. Hard choices for a twenty-year-old who wants to do right become easy when he’s fifty.

Ask yourself these questions: “To what am I drawn?” and “To what am I heading?” I have a tendency to like quick and easy. How about you? We will all be faced with easy and hard choices today. Centuries have paid the price for what seemed like a very easy choice for Lot. What is your priority?

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