Genesis 37:18 “And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him.”

Conspiracy Theories

As a kid, did you know how to get a “Yes” out of your dad? How about out of your mom? Now, if that does not describe you, perhaps you had a brother or sister skilled in such devices. Could you (or your brother/sister) get a “Yes” without lying or framing the truth into your favor? That might be a different matter altogether! It is our nature to try to frame things, even the truth, in such a way as to “shape” the truth into our favor.

Framing the truth into something less than honest is not new. You and your siblings didn’t invent the art of deception and conspiracy. In fact, it is as old as man is! In Genesis 37, we read about Joseph and his brothers, and it is obvious that Joseph’s brothers hated and despised him! Their plan was to kill Joseph and tell their father, “Some evil beast hath devoured him.” (verse 20).

Is that what Joseph’s brothers told their father? Well, yes and no. Do you think words are the only way you can deceive someone? It is possible to deceive by what you say and what you don’t say. You can also deceive by the way you shape the truth and present the evidence. Do you know what the brothers said to their father? “This have we found: know now whether it be thy son’s coat or no.” (verse 32)

When you leave someone to their own (wrong) conclusions, or when you shape or color the truth, you are dishonest. But you will reap what you sow. It is ironic that Jacob’s sons deceived him about their brother by killing a kid of the goats, just like he deceived his father (Isaac) about his brother (Esau) by killing a kid of the goats.

In your speech, be clear; be accurate; and have faith. Be clear by saying what you mean and meaning what you say (Matt. 5:37). Be accurate when giving the truth. Then trust God and not your own scheming. Life is conspiracy to those who scheme their way through it. Trust God to accomplish His purpose.

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