Joshua 6:27  “So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country.”

Do you like new things, or are you afraid of them?  I guess that depends on whether you are talking about a new car or the first day of school!  For Joshua and the children of Israel, everything was new.  Moses was dead; Joshua was the leader now.  The Promised Land was to be possessed; it was still just a promise.  We think of Joshua in all his fame and glory, but that was Joshua after God worked through his life. Joshua, in reality, was just like you and had a mix of excitement and fear about new things.


All of us have a natural fear of new things, even if what is new is good.  There is just something intrinsically scary about the unknown!  We learn from reading the story of Joshua that nothing new to us is new to God. Isn’t that wonderful?!


The promises that God had made to Moses (Joshua 1:3-9) were new to Joshua, but they were not new to God.  God wasn’t planning the future-He was already there!  The best we can do is only to plan for the future.  God is already there waiting for you! Repeatedly, God told Joshua, “I was with Moses . . . so will I be with you.”  When you take “I was” and add “I will,” you get “I AM.”


Do you remember the first day of school?  (For some of us, kindergarten was a long time ago!)  Your mom thought it was cute; you thought it was terrifying!  When you “grow up,” your health, work, and future can be just as fearful.  Remember that God has a track record-nothing new to you is new to God.  God can help you; He has helped scores of people before you (like Joshua).  The same God that was working in Joshua is the same God that is unchanged today.  Nothing in this world ever stays the same; and nothing in God ever changes.  In a world of constant change, God is the only One Who never does!


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