Joshua 5:12 “And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.”

Have you ever gone to a day-old bread store? Why do people go to day-old bread stores? Because it is cheap! It is not the best bread; it is the cheapest bread. Is it possible that day-old bread is as good as fresh bread? Possibly, but no one goes because it is “almost as good as”; they go because it is half the price!

In Joshua 5, the manna ceased and the children of Israel “did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.” The manna came straight from God in heaven, but where did the “old corn of the land” come from? From God as well! It is important to remember that God provides for each day. When God provided the manna, He told them to take just enough for the day. If they took extra manna, it spoiled.

God provides both naturally and supernaturally. Manna came directly from heaven-it rained food! The corn came from the land of Canaan-the land God had provided for them.
Which was better, food straight from heaven or food from the land that God had promised them a long time ago? The answer is, Yes! The best food was the food God provided for that day. In other words, even angels’ food is not good if it is not fresh. Nothing is better than that which is fresh from the hand of God.

Like any ministry, a constant need here at the Ranch is money. I am encouraged when thinking about how God has provided for nearly sixty years for the Bill Rice Ranch. Sometimes He has provided in very natural ways when we have taken initiative. The fact that God has provided in the past gives me comfort and encouragement, but that doesn’t pay for the electricity around here! Whether money falls from the sky or some friend generously writes a check to the Ranch, it is all from the hand of God. The bottom line is, the best bread is fresh bread.

Some of you are living on spiritual bread that is at least seven days old. You are living on what you read seven days ago, on what God provided seven days ago, and on God’s power from seven days ago. The very best bread is freshbread. While it is true that God provides both naturally and supernaturally, do not live today on “day-old bread.”

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Safety for campers traveling home tonight and tomorrow
3. Groups traveling to the Ranch from California, Arizona, Texas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida

Camp Quote:
“You don’t go to church to get something; you go to church to give something.” (Hebrews 10:25)
-Evangelist Bill Rice III

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