II Samuel 5:19 And David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up to the Philistines? Wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD said unto David, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand.

Decisions, Decisions

Many people don’t like to make decisions, but, whether we like it or not, we make hundreds or even thousands of decisions every day. Some people are absolutely paralyzed by even going to a fast food restaurant because of all the decisions there are. Recently, my wife and I went looking for something at Walmart. We made a choice. We walked to the next aisle and I saw, it seemed, a thousand of that same item in different varieties. I almost panicked as I thought, “Did I get the right one?” We have so many choices that sometimes it makes for paralysis of decision, not a better decision.

In any event, so far as your part is concerned, in 24 hours you will be exactly where you are now, save for the decisions you make. That makes our decisions mighty important. David knew this when he was just a young king and his leadership was being tested by the Philistines and his own countrymen.  In II Samuel 5:19 it says, “And David inquired of the LORD.” Again in verse 23 it says, “And when David inquired of the LORD.” In both cases David was asking God what he should do.

David realized the importance of inquiring of God. The next chapters are full of examples of other decisions. One was when David was going to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. It was a good thing he wanted to do, but you may recall that they did not have it transported as God had prescribed. God judged them for it. II Samuel 6:9 says, “And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the Ark of the LORD come to me?” That was a good question that might have better been asked before they moved the Ark.

Another example of the need for God’s guidance when we are making a decision is found when David wanted to build the temple of God. That was a noble ambition, but God indicated that that was not what He wanted David to do.  Again, David wanted to do a good thing, but he didn’t have God’s green light on it.

Sometimes we make decisions without God’s guidance when they seem too simple or obvious to us. I think the main lesson is not to be paralyzed by every decision we make, but to be consciously aware of God’s literal presence and willingness to guide us as we are willing to follow. God can let you know what He wants you to do, but I think that God’s Word and people who give godly advice are two sources that God can use to help you. Remember, you are going to be in 24 hours exactly where you are now, save for the decisions you make. Ask God to help you, and be confident that He will. 

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