Ezekiel 8:16 “And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple . . . were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.”

Have you ever found yourself driving someone else’s car? I don’t mean you were actually behind the wheel in the driver’s seat; I mean the other driver was making you nervous or impatient by the way he was driving. The other night on the way to church, I noticed a fellow driver who made me nervous and frustrated at the same time! He was completely distracted, reaching for things on the floorboard and overhead. He was looking everywhere and at everything except the road! Consequently, his car was weaving in and out of both lanes while speeding up and slowing down for no logical reason. The worst part was, he was doing all of this while camped out in the left lane of the interstate that is supposed to be for passing!

I must confess that I am very impatient with other drivers like the one I’ve just described. However, sometimes I am that driver! Any good driver will tell you that your car will follow your hands, but your hands follow your eyes. Driving is not “static.” That is, you are not sitting still. When you are driving on the interstate, where you are at the moment is not as important as where your eyes are leading you.

God reminds us in Ezekiel chapter 8 that you can only face one direction at a time. The wrong direction comes naturally to us. Going the right direction is only by design. You will never go the right way by accident! Going the right direction is an act of your will as you surrender to God. You will go the way you decide to go!

Friend, God knows which way you are heading, even when you do not. Sometimes you might think you are going in the right direction (like the men in Ezekiel’s vision), but you are facing the wrong direction. God both knows and cares what direction you are going. Who or what has your attention today? Where are your “eyes” pointing? You cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24), and you cannot face two directions at the same time. Where you stand today is important, but where you are focused is where you will end up tomorrow!

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Plainwell, MI; Madison, OH; and Ripley, TN
2. Deaf Rally tomorrow in Millville, NJ
3. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in New Buffalo, MI; Louisville, KY; and Stillwater, OK

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