Earth with sun-w600-h800

It was like walking through a cloud. The damp, grey air was a wet blanket on my shoulders. The early morning commute from my house to my office is only one hundred yards long, but the cloud rode my shoulders right through the back door to my office like a belligerent child.

The last few weeks have been cold and wet, and what amazes me most is not how the weather feels on one’s shoulders but rather how it feels in one’s spirit. The absence of sunlight has more sway over our moods than most take time to notice or care to admit.

But when a morning dawns, actually dawns rather than merely beginning, we all realize how happy we are to see and feel it’s presence once again. The sun warms and brightens our world. It both encourages and exposes.

Do you realize that you have the power to do the same in the lives of many around you? Some people just light up a room when they leave! Do you know anyone like that? It is certainly easier to assess others than to see ourselves.

Certainly, we are to be lights for the Lord Jesus, the Light of the World. That means reflecting His light on your world today. It means glowing His life before others in a way that encourages what is right. It equally means exposing the evil that is a grey barrier between people and the Christ Who loves them.

Do you believe in man-made climate change? I believe that Christ has the power to change the climate in your part of the world today, and I believe that Christ offers the grace to help you make that difference.

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