Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising
God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Do You Celebrate Christmas?



Do you celebrate Christmas? I reckon you probably do! What does it mean to celebrate something? A celebration is when we observe a notable occasion with festivities. There may be festivities, but there is a point to them.

On the other hand, a party is “a social gathering and the entertainment provided for it.” I do not think a party is necessarily wrong. My daughter hosted a tea party at our house one summer. Imagine a group of teenage girls having a tea party in your house! It was entertaining and amusing.

So, do you celebrate Christmas? I am not asking if you put up a tree, hang lights, and sing carols; I am asking if you recognize the fact that God was made in human flesh? When it comes to celebrating, the angels sure did! The shepherds sure did! Simeon sure did! They all marked the birth of the Lord Jesus.

A party needs only an excuse; a celebration demands a reason. So, celebrate Christmas! I like Christmas parties, Christmas lights, Christmas dinner, Christmas music, Christmas gifts—you name it, I probably like it. But regardless of what you may or may not do this Christmas, make sure you observe the birth of God’s Son. A festivity that forgets Jesus is merely a party.

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