II Kings 4:3  “Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.”

Do you have what it will take for today?  No matter your answer, I am sure you know the feeling of not having what you need!  That is why I love the story of the widow woman in II Kings 4.  She did not have what she needed for the week, but as she obeyed God, she had everything she needed for the day.


God fills what is empty and what is ready to receive. If you’re not empty, He can’t fill you; and if you’re not eager and looking for it, He can’t fill you either!  This widow woman was certainly empty.  She said, “Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.” Isn’t it strange, then, that Elisha told her to “Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.” Borrow vessels for what?  She didn’t have anything!  However, she “went for broke” borrowing anything empty and available from her neighbors!


Amazingly, when she finished pouring her oil into the last borrowed vessel, “the oil stayed.” What she had was sufficient because she was empty!  The pots she borrowed were “empty vessels.” She may not have had what was needed for the week, but she had what she needed for the day.  You don’t need everything for the entire week; you live life one day at a time. If you will use what you have today, you will have what you need next week.  Prepare for tomorrow, but live in today.


God fills when we are ready to receive.  This widow woman reminds us that we are ready to receive when we are empty and eager.  What “empty vessels” do you have that God can fill?




Camp Quotes…

“The most powerful things on the earth can kill; the Bible is so powerful that it can give life!

-Evangelist Troy Carlson

Prayer Requests:

1. Salvation of teen, junior, and deaf campers this week

2. Safety for staff and campers


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