Isaiah 35:3-4 “Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not. . . .”

Out of all of the conversations you had yesterday, what percentage were encouraging? I must admit, much of my day is given to problem-solving and answering questions, so my percentage can be low. The truth is, if your eyes are focused on the facts immediately before you, instead of the big picture that God sees from heaven, you will never get beyond the daily grind of bad news. There is bad news everywhere: online, on air, and in print, but we are not bound to spread bad news.

If you are not careful, it is easy to be negative and discouraging while seeing only the small picture. It is easy to see only what is ahead today, tomorrow, and this weekend. If you are not careful, your outlook and conversations will all be about the bad! Isaiah 35 reminds us of the big picture ahead. “… shall be glad…shall rejoice…shall see the glory of the LORD. . . .” You may not see the glory of the Lord every day, but there is coming a day when you will. There is a day in the future when sin will be banished and God will reign. The point is, if I will be glad one day, I should be glad today. If I will rejoice, I should rejoice. The small picture may be bleak, but the big picture is not!

What does all of this mean for you today? Verse 3 says, “Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.” In other words, in light of the big picture and coming glorious day, you should be strengthening and encouraging other people. You may not always be aware of who needs encouraging, so just take a shot and encourage everyone you can! The best place to start, by the way, is in your own house. Dad, give some encouragement to your children today. Mom, remember the big picture and encourage your family. Teenager, why not try encouraging your parents today? If you start at home, you’ll find that you can take it with you wherever you go!

Strengthen someone today in light of the tomorrow that will one day come. Whatever else today may bring, don’t lose sight of the fact that there is good news coming. Some days you may be the one with weak hands and feeble knees, but chances are there is someone who needs encouragement that you can reach today.

Prayer Requests:
– Upcoming Ranch conferences in Phoenix, AZ, and Lubbock, TX

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