What a thrilling summer of ministry!  Our summer theme was “This Is the Day,” taken from Psalm 118.  Each day the Lord gave us this summer, we had the privilege of hosting campers from right down the road to literally across the world.  We thank the Lord for the many who have trusted Christ as their Saviour and for the scores of other good decisions made about living for God.


As summer camps close and our fall calendar of events begins, we will take a brief break from First Light.  The last email devotional before the break will arriveFriday, August 5; First Light will resume on Monday, August 22.  You do not need to do anything to continue receiving First Light.


Psalm 118 begins and ends the same way, and it describes our heart at the end of this summer: “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”


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