II Kings 6:16  “And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”

I love the story in II Kings 6!  The Syrian king sent out a posse to round up Elisha. When Elisha’s servant woke up that morning, he saw a whole army surrounding the city.  His response was, “Alas, my master! how shall we do?” Elisha’s answer was profoundly simple: “Fear not.” He also prayed that the servant would be able to see and comprehend what Elisha already knew.  When the servant’s eyes were opened,“he saw . . .the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” They were surrounded by God’s heavenly army!


Elisha’s answer to his servant is God’s answer to you today: “Fear not.” Perhaps you are tempted to fear because you are outmanned.  Elisha and his servant were completely surrounded!  Maybe you feel troubled because you feel outmaneuvered. The enemy had the high ground and completely surrounded Elisha.  In short, Elisha and his servant were completely vulnerable!  Do you feel that way today?  There will always be reasons to fear; God gives us a reason not to fear.


The lesson to be learned is that there is more to your day than meets your eye.  There is more to your battle than you can see!  Romans 8:31 reminds us that “if God be for us, who can be against us?” It does not matter how small your enemy; it matters how big your God is. We can spend so much time calculating the size of our enemy that we totally forget the power of God.  Whatever your day holds, there is more than will meet your eye.  God’s answer for the trouble that surrounds you is, “Fear not.”




Camp Quotes…

“Never, ever squander your youth . . . health . . . or opportunities.”

-Evangelist Jim Cook

Prayer Requests:

1. Salvation of teen, junior, and deaf campers this week

2. Safety for staff and campers

3. Praise–40 day campers saved last week!


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