Florida Day of Champions
Saturday – February 10, 2024
What to expect at the Day of Champions
An all-day teen event packed with tournaments, exciting activities, powerful preaching, and great fellowship!
Bill Rice Ranch Comes to Florida! Special music and activities by Ranch Staff
Activities and tournaments in:
Co-ed Volleyball, 3 on 3 Basketball, Dodgeball, 9 Square in the Air, Bungee Run & Jousting Inflatables
Day of Champions Cost:
$25 Per Person
Includes lunch and all activities
A love offering for the speaker will be received in the services
Call To Register Your Group!
1. Call 1-800-253-RICE (7423) to register or for any questions.
2. Please e-mail the size of your group to registration@billriceranch.org with “FL Day of Champs” in the subject line.
3. Bring completed forms and $25 per person to the event.
If you register your group by January 31 –
Youth Leader & Wife Come FREE!
Day of Champions Speaker

Evangelist Troy Carlson
Day of Champions Details
General Information
Event registration begins Saturday morning 9:00 AM. Activities begin at 9:30 AM. Day will end by 5:30 PM.
What to bring:
Guys: Sweatpants or windpants will be appropriate for the day. No shorts.
Girls: Culottes/athletic wear must be knee-length and of proper fullness. No shorts, slacks, capris, or gauchos.
Invite your friends:
This event is a great opportunity to reach your friends for Christ and to strengthen your youth group. Don’t miss it!
First Baptist Church
5105 School Road
Land O’ Lakes, Florida
Team Tournaments
3 on 3 Basketball – There will be a guys’ tournament and a girls’ tournament. They will be single elimination. Each game’s winner will be determined with an 8-minute running clock or by the first team to twelve points. Scoring will be by ones and twos. Other specific rules will be given at the games.
6 on 6 Volleyball – This is a coed tournament, so each team will need to have both guys and girls on the court at all times. The ratio of guys and girls doesn’t matter. It can be five girls and one guy, four guys and two girls, or whatever combination you would like.
This will also be single elimination. The games will be fifteen points rally scoring or a ten-minute time limit.
*Teens can play in both the basketball and volleyball tournaments. Groups can have one team in each tournament for every ten teens that attend the Day of Champions. For instance, a group with thirty-six teens can have three teams in each tournament. Once a team is eliminated, those players cannot play for another team in the same tournament.
*Group leaders will be asked for the number of teams they are entering in each tournament at registration.
Individual Tournaments
The following tournaments will take place throughout the afternoon. Teens may enter as many as they would like.
Dodgeball Tournament – This will be a coed tournament for teams of five.
Jousting Tournament (inflatable jousting mat) – There will be a guys’ tournament and a girls’ tournament.
Bungee Run (inflatable) – There will be a competition for guys and a competition for girls.