I Timothy 6:11  “But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.”

Have you ever taken the wrong road?  I’m sure we would hear some interesting stories, especially from the wives!  Did you know that it is impossible to take the wrong road and end up in the right place? That’s true, even if your intentions are good.

I Timothy 6:11 reminds us that you cannot flee and follow the same thing.  Every day you make choices to either please yourself or follow God and what is important.  What you choose to follow influences what you flee.

Elsewhere in this chapter, the Bible tells us that God has given us “richly all things to enjoy.” Money is not wrong, and having nice things is not wrong.  The trap and temptation is to allow the love of money (verse 10) and discontentment (verses 6-8) to ruin what God intended.  The things we have to enjoy in life are gifts from God, but those gifts are not what we should pursue.  If I expect to end up at the right place today (righteousness, godliness, faith, love, etc.), but I’m going down the wrong road (pleasing myself), I’ll never end up at the right destination!

Do the words righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness describe your life?  If you are not pursuing them, you will not possess them!  If you are pursuing the path of least resistance or the path of pleasing self, you cannot possibly end up at the right place.  All throughout today, you will have the choice to follow what your flesh desires or what God desires for you.  What are you fleeing and what are you following?  Don’t spend your day going down the wrong road!

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