II Chronicles 25:9 “And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God answered, The LORD is able to give thee much more than this.”

Flexible Yet Unmovable

Some people are so invested in what is wrong that they cannot do right. Some people are so invested in themselves that they cannot hear God. Some people are so enamored with the old that they cannot do anything new. Do you know someone like that?

Amaziah was such a man. In his plan to conquer the Edomites in II Chronicles 25, King Amaziah organized an army of three hundred thousand from Judah and hired a thousand warriors from Israel. He had a lot invested in his plan!

When the man of God cautioned him not to go out because Judah would face certain defeat, Amaziah was so caught up in the one hundred talents he had already paid to Israel that he could not see the bigger picture! He was threatened with death (“God shall make thee fall before the enemy”) but was concerned about his investment in a losing cause. Far better to cut your losses than to die for a losing cause!

Sometimes we can become so invested in “my system,” “my plan,” and “my way” that it would take an army to move us. We couldn’t hear God if He was yelling in our ear because of the noise filling our minds. Don’t be so heavily invested in things that are merely good that you cannot follow God’s best.

Be as flexible as God’s leading and as unmovable as God’s truth. Be flexible when God speaks; be unmovable when God has spoken. God’s truth never changes, but God’s leading may involve change. I’m not talking about keeping up with the times; I’m talking about keeping up with God!

Often we are content to hold on to what is “good enough” to the detriment of seeing what the Lord is trying to do. “The LORD is able to give thee much more than this.” The only thing worse than investing in a losing cause is sticking with it. Be flexible to God’s leading and be firm with God’s truth.

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