Psalm 143:10 “Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.”

For how much can you ask God? For how much do you ask God? Psalm 143 teaches us that the more God owns, the more you can ask. Now, God owns everything that we have or could ask for, but often we fail to see what God owns. If you do not see God as owning everything that you need and are asking for, then you are not going to ask for what you should. You can miss out on asking because you never see God as owning! The more God owns, the more you can ask.

If you really needed something, would you rather ask someone with a lot of money and resources or some poor sap in the same condition as you are? Furthermore, would you rather ask a total stranger or a close friend? You are likely to get something a lot faster from your friend!

The point of Psalm 143 is not just getting “things”; the point is, the more God owns you, the more you can ask! The last five words of the psalm are “for I am thy servant.” There is something wonderful about asking God for what you need because He can provide and He cares about you. Imagine if one of my boys asked a complete stranger for something that they needed. That is altogether different than him asking me!

Today, you can ask God for guidance in your life, but does He own your way? “Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.” If your way doesn’t belong to God, how can you expect God to show the way that you should go? If your finances don’t belong to God, how can you expect God to provide your needs financially? If God doesn’t own your family, how can you expect God to direct your children? The answer comes when you acknowledge that God owns what you need and that God owns you. The beginning of God’s answer is God’s ownership.

Prayer Requests:
– BRR New York City Evangelistic Outreach this week

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