Jeremiah 7:24 “But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.”

Proximity to God is based on what you are, not what you do. It is easy to think that if you do a certain list of things, you will be fine. Serving the Lord and being part of a good church are good things to do, but doing good things can never replace a right relationship with God.

It is much easier to judge yourself by a visible, fixed standard of rules and regulations to see if you are square with God. For example, think of any standard we often make for a “good” Christian: reading the Bible, going to church, or going soul-winning. All of those things are good, and you should do all of them, but they are not the standard! You can read the Bible, go to church, and go on your church’s visitation program, yet still have a wicked heart. The standard for being right with God is not hitting a set of marks; the standard is the direction I am heading. You can do right things while pointed in the wrong direction!

Based upon your relationship to God, how are you doing today as compared to last year at this time? Are you trending closer to God, or are you going backward?Take heed to the example of the children of Israel. They were in God’s house, doing good things, yet they “went backward, and not forward.” Right actions will follow a right heart. Is your heart moving forward or backward?

Prayer Requests:
– Service tonight in Harned, KY

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