Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

Living up to your potential means living up to God’s purpose. That was true of Peter in the New Testament, and it was true of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. Jeremiah was commissioned by God to preach a tough message to a tough group of people. While Peter was self-assured, Jeremiah was self-defeated. He said, “Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.”

Haven’t we all felt like Jeremiah at some point? “Lord, I cannot.” The task needs not match our strength; our strength needs to match the task. The Lord encouraged Jeremiah with four statements which should also encourage us to live up to God’s purpose.

First, God said, “I formed thee.” Whatever and whoever you are, God made you. Your fingerprints, your chemistry, and your genetics are unique to you. You were formed and designed by God Almighty!

Second, God said, “I knew thee.” God knew you before He formed you. Even though sometimes people do not know you, God knows you. You were in God’s heart before you were on this earth.

Third, God said, “I sanctified thee.” You are different by design and on purpose. God has set you apart. All of us can be lured in by the mainstream, but the truth is, you are different. The question is not, “Should I be different?” You are different! The question should be, “Am I showing that I am different?”

Forth, God said, “I ordained thee.” God not only set you apart, He also set you on a course. You may not know everything about your course, but God does. Five steps down the line may not be clear to you, but if you will take the first step in front of you, you will end up where you ought to be five steps down the line.

Living up to your potential this day and this year simply means living up to God’s purpose. The only way to live up to God’s purpose is to surrender to God’s ownership. He made you; He knows you; He set you apart; and He has a direction for your life. Live today in light of these four truths, and you will live up to God’s purpose for you.

Prayer Requests:
1. Sign Language School in Dixons Mills, AL
2. Services and classes this weekend in the Philippines
3. West Branch on the Move Family Conference in Phoenix, AZ
4. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Thomasville, GA; Coolidge, AZ; Mesa, AZ; and Peoria, AZ

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