II Chronicles 28:22 “And in the time of his distress did he trespass yet more against the LORD: this is that Ahaz.”

From Bad to Worse

Have you ever known someone who tried to help but only made things worse? Ahaz was such a person. He sacrificed to the gods of Damascus, thinking they would help him, but the idols “were the ruin of him, and of all Israel.” He wanted to make things better, but when he did, he made things worse!

Who brought destruction to Judah? Damascus did. To whom did Ahaz attribute the destruction? The gods of Damascus. Who actually brought judgment on Judah? “For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel. . . .” Ahaz didn’t realize that he was the problem, so he went after the same gods that were the reason for his destruction in the first place. That is going from bad to worse!

Until you are honest about the source of the problem, you will not clearly see the source of your help. It is important to have humility of heart and clarity of mind to see the source of your problem. Ahaz never got help because he never acknowledged the problem! He saw Damascus, assumed their gods, and totally missed the LORD.

If you do not accurately diagnose the problem, you will not accurately see the solution. To get the help you need, humbly see yourself as you are and look to the Lord for your provision. Help can be found if you go to the right Source. Don’t let things go from bad to worse!

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