Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

God Doesn’t Panic

I once read a sign in an office that read, “Poor planning on your part does not equal an emergency on mine.” Sometimes, if we have an emergency, the way that people express care or concern for us is by being panicked themselves. That is, they care enough about our situation that they spin their wheels, seem to be in a hurry, and go through a flurry of activity whether they can actually help us or not.

Sometimes, we wonder why God is not in such a hurry when we have an emergency in life. If you read stories of the Lord Jesus, you struggle to find any stories of the Lord Jesus being rushed or in a hurry. In fact, many stories seem to indicate that He actually slowed things down at the actual moment when things were most desperate. The Lord is never frantic or hurried in the sense that He’s never worried. He’s never at a loss for what to do. He’s never out of time. Now don’t let that discourage you, and don’t ever make that a reason to believe that the Lord doesn’t care about you. The lack of panic on the Lord’s part does not equal a lack of concern.

When Jesus went with His disciples onto the Sea of Galilee, they found themselves in a horrible storm. The Bible tells us that Jesus was asleep, and He wasn’t panicked when He woke up. In fact, He was so relaxed in the midst of this storm, that the disciples asked Him, “Carest thou not that we perish?” Now why did they make this assumption that He didn’t care? It was because He was asleep and not panicked by their trouble.

There are two things we learn from this story. The first we find in verse 36, “And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship.” So Jesus was with them when they were in this predicament. I can tell you that no matter what you can see or how stormy things may be, Jesus is with you.

The second thing is that Jesus had given them His word. In verse 35 Jesus said, “Let us pass over unto the other side.” They had His implicit promise. He’s with you, and He’s able to get you to the other side. I don’t know what the other side may be for you today, but remember that Christ is with you. When you read a promise in God’s Word, you can trust it. You can rest assured that He cares about you, so you don’t need to worry about life.

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