Isaiah 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

God is On The Throne

God’s people were in trouble. They were desolate, just like a farmhouse without an occupant around which the weeds had grown. They had essentially driven God away.

God’s people were divided. We find that the two parts of the divided kingdom, Israel and Judah, were at odds. In fact, Israel had joined forces with pagan Assyria to come up against Judah.

God’s people were also confused. Some of them wanted to join with Assyria, the very nation that would later conquer them. Still others of God’s people trusted in Egypt, a country that was subsequently conquered herself!

Like Israel of old, many people of today are “testing the water” continually to find out where the power is. They are desolate of God’s power, divided in their mind, and confused. Instead of trusting a timeless God, they are trusting in everything and anything that comes along that seems to be the fad or answer of the hour.

There is an alternative to all this uncertainty, and that is to trust in God Himself. Isaiah 6:1 says, “In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” So what happens when a king dies? There is intrigue, struggle for power, and oftentimes people who are killed or are killing in order to gain power. What you know is that when a king dies, he ceases to reign.

But in the very year that king Uzziah died, Isaiah was aware of the Lord sitting upon a throne. God reigns no matter who rules. Whether you are talking about the Christian universe or the world at large, it is so easy to test the wind to see who is in power. What government, what church, what group, or what organization is in favor now? You don’t even know whom to accurately worry about! God’s divided people were prone to worry about Egypt or Syria, and neither of these ended up being the problem in the long run. It was another kingdom altogether.

The point is that kings and kingdoms come and go, but God reigns no matter who rules. Stop testing the water and start trusting God. That is something that the king of Judah was encouraged to do but was reluctant to do. In fact, God actually told him to test God, and he very piously refused when the fact is he was making moves to trust someone else.

Today, there is a God in Heaven Who is greater than your problems and Who will outlive your worries. Stop testing the water and start trusting that God. He is sufficient, and He will save.

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