I Kings 20:28  “And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.”

What kind of God do you have?  Some people have a “health and wealth” God. Others don’t even think about Him until something goes terribly wrong.  Some just have a god for everything!  They have a god for harvest, a god for drought, a god for battle, a god for the sun, and a god for rain.  The Syrians no doubt had this type of mindset. When they kept losing battles to the Israelites, they figured a switch in strategy and location was needed.  They were sure that the God of the mountains could not win in the valleys.


From this story we learn that the only God that will do you any good is the God that is God of all. The God we serve is the God of the mountains and the valleys-He is God of ALL.  Wherever you are in life, God is there.  If you find yourself in the “valley,” God is there.  If you are on a mountain today, God is there.


God is a gracious God. In I Kings 20, do you know the “king of Israel” mentioned in verse 28?  God was actually helping the wretched King Ahab!  His graciousness towards Ahab was for the purpose that he would “know that I am the LORD.” God didn’t help him because he was good; God did so because of His graciousness!  The same is true with you.  You have no goodness to offer God, but He has grace to offer you!


God is the LORD God. He is the eternally self-existent God of all creation.  He is not an idea formed by our culture.  He is the One who made us!  No god you can make is worth serving.  The God we serve is the God who made everything!  His power exceeds any problem we have.


Whether you are sunk in the depths of a valley, or you are riding high in the saddle on a mountain top, don’t forget that God is the God of the valleys and the mountains.  He is gracious and all-powerful.  He is the God of all!







Camp Quotes…

“God didn’t make you, only then to lose interest in you.”

-Evangelist Richard Coyle

Prayer Requests:

1. Salvation of day campers this week

2. Safety for staff and campers

3. A special word from Brother Rice about summer staff needs…


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