Ezekiel 8:5b So I lifted up mine eyes way toward the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.

God Takes Our Sin Personally

The more renowned a person is, the more difficult it is to comprehend them in light of their personal relationships. Sometimes it’s hard to comprehend a President of the United States as being a husband, father, or brother. We might fail to realize that our employer, the owner of a large corporation, faces the same kinds of problems we face. It’s easy to forget that our pastor has personal concerns that call for the help of God in his own life.

As hard as it might be for us to comprehend others’ earthly concerns, there is really no comparison that helps us to comprehend the perspective that God Almighty has of our sins. The greatness of God means that He is above all rivals, but it does not mean that He is beyond caring about us. God is so great, holy, powerful, and infinite, that it’s hard to imagine why He would regard us whatsoever. But He does. He is anything but indifferent.

In Ezekiel 8:3 the Spirit brings Ezekiel in a vision to Jerusalem “where was the seat of the image of jealousy which provoketh to jealousy.” God’s people had literally erected an idol in God’s temple. How calloused! How unthankful and ungrateful! But also how unknowing! Did these people have any comprehension that God was not only holy, but that He cared about them?

God then takes Ezekiel on a tour where he sees various scenes of idolatry—idol worship, spirit worship, sun worship. At the end of each scene, God says to Ezekiel, “Do you see what these people are doing?” God seems to be incredulous. It seems very clear that God takes this sin personally. We cannot comprehend the love and judgment of God without first seeing how personally He takes our sins.

God is exclusive. There’s no one like Him. To replace Him in life with some shabby substitute is not even decent. God indicated in verse 6 that He had been pushed far from His own sanctuary and people. I can serve God or I can serve self, but I cannot do both. God is exclusive.

God is also engaged. These people who had rebelled against God indicated in verse 12 that God didn’t see or care what they were doing. But God did see and does care. God’s judgment was not a judgment born of hatred by some far off and indifferent god. No, this is the God that we serve today who loves us, chastens us, and who takes His relationship with us personally. 

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