Psalm 139:17  How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

God Thinks on You; Do You Think on Him?

A guy calls you up and says, “Where are you?”  You respond, “Who are you?” He says, “That doesn’t matter. I know where you are.”  Three hours later he calls back and says, “What are you doing?”  You reply, “Who is this?” He says, “No one of consequence, just tell me what you’re doing. I know what you’re doing.” Later, five minutes before you drift off into sleep the same stranger calls back and says, “What are you thinking?” You reply, “I’m thinking that I’d be thrilled if you’d stop calling me.” He says, “I know.” That’s kind of creepy-isn’t it?

Now, the feeling would totally change if the person in question were different. Suppose it was your grandma or your spouse or the person closest to you in all the world. They don’t have to call you. You call them and say, “Guess where I am?” or “You’ll never believe what I’m doing!” When you come home from work at the end of the day, your loved one is going to know what you think whether they want to or not. So whether this is creepy or comforting depends completely upon the person in question. If it’s a stranger and they know everything about you-what you think and who you are-that’s ominous. If it’s someone that loves you, then all of a sudden it’s a different matter altogether.

In Psalm 139:17, David reminds us that God thinks on us all the time, which is an amazing thing. He says, “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me.”  I think this implies that God’s thoughts are precious about me or with me. The Psalm says, “How great is the sum of them. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand. When I awake I am still with thee.”  The fact of the matter is God thinks about you, and He thinks about you all the time. The first few verses of Psalm 139 say that God searches, knows, and understands us. So many times people don’t know and understand us, but that is never the case with God. God takes a keen and active interest in us. Even when the people closest to us don’t understand us, God does. It’s an amazing thing that the God who has the universe to ‘worry’ about thinks about us constantly. The question is not if God thinks about you-He does. The question is how much do you think about Him? Do you know where you are with Him? Do you know what He’s doing in your life? Do you know what his thoughts are for your life? God is a great God to think on me, and I would do well to think on Him.

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