Genesis 48:21 “And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die: but God shall be with you, and bring you again unto the land of your fathers.”

On a recent trip to Florida along I-75, I saw a bumper sticker on a Winnebago that caught my attention. The sticker read: “I’m spending my kids’ inheritance.” Often when it comes to any spiritual inheritance for our kids, we would be better off if we did! Conflict and concern over an inheritance has always been the case. The Old Testament is full of examples: Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael, Manasseh and Ephraim.

God’s inheritance is what informs any other inheritance you may leave your kids. In Genesis 28, Jacob was alone and scared. With a rock for a pillow, he falls asleep and God sends him a message through a dream. The message was for the God of his fathers to become his God-the God of Jacob. Anything else you pass on to your kids will be to their hurt and not to their good without Christ.

You may spend scores of dollars and hours of time giving your kids piano lessons, soccer games, or horse riding lessons. But you are ruining your kids if do not give them God. And you must give them God intentionally-that is, on purpose, by design. It will not happen by accident, nor will it happen just by taking them to church or bringing them to the Bill Rice Ranch.

Nothing is more important than leaving your kids God’s inheritance. Jacob told Joseph, “Behold, I die: but God shall be with you . . . .” Jacob saw God as his God when he came to the end of himself and claimed God for himself. And this was the God he passed on to his son. May God help us, both with our own kids and the “kids” we may work with in ministry, to make sure we give them God’s inheritance.

Prayer Requests:

1. Revival services tonight in Thomasville, GA

2. West Branch Families on the Move Conference (2/20-21)

For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch visit our website:
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