Mark 1:31“And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.”

Have you heard a good mother-in-law story lately? Well that is exactly what we find in Mark 1:29-31. This story involves Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. Imagine being the mother-in-law to Peter! He was probably the exact type of hard-working fisherman that she warned her daughter about! The Bible says she “lay sick of a fever.” They told Jesus, and He came to heal her. And there was no recovery time, no rehabilitation-“immediately the fever left her.” What did she do after being healed? “And immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.” She ministered!

This good mother-in-law story illustrates the Bible truth that the Lord helps us so we can help others. The first thing Peter’s mother-in-law did when she had the ability to was serve others. God surely was pleased to invest in her because she turned around and helped others. What has God invested in you? Have you made His investment a good one?

Often we think it would be nice to be waited on hand-and-foot. Visions of breakfast in bed and servants to cater to our every desire fill our imaginations. But being waited on is not all it is cracked up to be. For instance, a friend of mine just had a follow-up surgery after multiple-bypass heart surgery. He cannot help himself right now, even if he wants to. Others have to wait on him every minute because he is unable to help himself. It is much better to be in a position to give than a position to receive. Which would you rather be, the one with ability to give or the one in need? The ability to give is better than the need to receive!

2 Corinthians 1:3-6 tells us that the God of all comfort is the One who comforts us, in order that He can use us in the future to comfort others with the same comfort. Paul says in verse 6, “Whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation . . . whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.” Paul was always thinking of others, because he understood the Lord helps us so we can help others.

A body of water, no matter how fresh it is, will become stagnant if it only absorbs water and does not flow elsewhere. But that was not the case with Peter’s mother-in-law. Why did she minister? She had the ability to serve because the Lord gave it to her. She also had a reason to serve and had people to serve. Notice that she began serving the people in her own house.

Serving is healthy and is evidence of our health spiritually. Remember today that the Lord helps us so we can help others.

Prayer Requests:

– Revival services tonight in Harned, KY and Cottonwood, AZ

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