Revelation22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Grace, A Little Touch of Heaven

Is it just me, or is this one messed up world? It seems to be irretrievably lost and hopelessly broken.  Yet, we do know that there have been times of complete happiness. They are found in Genesis 1 and Revelation 22, before sin and after sin.

Oftentimes in the morning I have the luxury of a little bit of time before the day really gets started. I pray a little, think a little, and figure out where I am headed for the day. It is a good time for me. Usually, it is cooler and quieter at this time of day. I don’t feel like I’m under a heat lamp or a loud speaker. There is just quiet. Then the day begins, and I am confronted with people and their problems and myself and my problems. But, at the end the day there is always God’s grace. Revelation 22:21 sums it up by saying, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”

Grace is God’s undeserved, supernatural enabling. There is coming a new day, a new world, and a new heaven that the Bible talks about in Revelation 22. The first few verses remind us that in Heaven there will be no night, no need, and no curse because there will be no one and nothing accursed. It will be perfect because there is no sin. All those who are there are declared righteous by God through the sacrifice of His dear Son. You and I need not wait for Heaven, or, for that matter, for a long time to enjoy the grace of God because both today and at the end of time there is God’s grace.

Grace is not merit. The Bible says, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” It is of Him, not us, and it is with us. The Bible says, “Be with you all.” That means right here and right now. I look at the Garden of Eden and think how wonderful things must have been. I look at the description of Heaven and think of how wonderful things will be, but right now I have what I need in order to do and be what I should in an imperfect place as an imperfect person in an imperfect time. God’s grace is available to you today, and His grace is a little touch of Heaven in this world and at this time. Why not set out to make a difference, to be an ambassador of a holy God to sinful people in a cursed world. Share the light, joy, happiness, and power that come by being a person enabled by the wonderful, supernatural grace of God.

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