Daniel 4:17b “To the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.”

The easiest person to teach to ski is a child. There are probably many reasons for this, but perhaps the chief reason is a child’s low center of gravity. It is hard to knock a person down when they are practically there! When skiing, gravity is good because it is pulling you toward the mountain. However, if you are six feet tall, that is a lot more weight and speed to worry about! It doesn’t take much to knock over a person with a high center of gravity.

In life, many people have a high center of gravity. That is, they are constantly trying to keep themselves lifted up. Nebuchadnezzar was a man with a high center of gravity, and God had to lower him. He was focused on himself (see verse 30), and today people are much the same way. They fight “tooth and nail” to keep themselves lifted up; the problem is the taller you are, the harder you fall.
Nebuchadnezzar failed to realize that God gives the kingdoms of the world to whomsoever He chooses. God is called the “most High” (verses 17, 25, 32), and there is not room for two people to be the most High. Even the kings to whom God gives kingdoms to are the “basest of men.” (verse 17). The base is the lowest part of something-base of a pulpit, basement of a house, etc. In reality, God is the most High, and the best of men are the “basest” in His sight!

Is your center of gravity high or low this morning? Those with a low center of gravity will have stability; those with a high center of gravity will struggle to keep upright. Don’t go through life where every bump in the road is a threat to you because you have lifted yourself so high. God is able to put down those who try to take His place. The best place to be is the lowest place. Remember, the best skiers in the world will “tuck in”-keep themselves low. So the next time you see a skier, remember that the same principle can be applied to life. A right view of the most High and a right view of self will help you keep a low center of gravity today.

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Families to be helped and encouraged this week
3. Praise-23 campers saved last week’s camps

Camp Quote:
“Decisions motivated by jealousy and strife will always lead to confusion.”
-Evangelist Troy Carlson

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