Exodus 39:1  “And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.”

The priestly garments described in Exodus 39 were some elaborate and beautiful pieces of clothing. How did the children of Israel know how to make them?  Almost every verse in the chapter tells you how!  “. . . as the LORD commanded Moses.” God told them precisely how the garments were to be made, and He relayed this information to them through the authority, Moses.

Oftentimes when we read the Bible, we think, “How does this apply to me?”  I think that is a good question to ask yourself when you read God’s truth.  However, when you take that same question and apply it to your own actions, it could lead you astray.  That may not always be the best question!  A better question would be, “How do my actions apply to God and what He has said?”

Let me illustrate: Why did the Israelites use blue, purple, and scarlet to make holy garments for Aaron?  Because God told them to make them.  In verse 7, they were instructed to make the ephod. Why?  Because that is what God told them to do.  Verse 32 sums up everything by saying, “Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.” The tabernacle was finished because they did all that the Lord told them to do!

The book of Exodus ends, and the book of Leviticus begins, with God’s instruction to Israel through Moses.  But we can learn from it as well.  As you go about your day, remember to ask yourself, “How do my actions today apply to God?” and weigh your answer against what God has said in His Word.

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