I Kings 11:1,3 “But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Amonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites…and his wives turned away his heart.”

How Wise Are You?

Are you as smart as you would like to be? Would you want to be any smarter and wiser than you are right now? Think about the wisest man to ever live, Solomon. How wise was he? He certainly ruled his kingdom wisely, but please remind me again of the number of wives Solomon had? How smart is that?!

Any man with great skill will ultimately fail if he has no wisdom for his personal life. Skill and wisdom are not mutually exclusive, but one without the other is not smart. You may rule the world in great wisdom, but if you do not do right as a child of God in your personal life, you are at a distinct disadvantage.

Without God’s wisdom in the most basic areas of life, you cannot truly succeed. I thank God for the ministry He has given me, but if I lead with great authority and wisdom yet fail to follow God’s voice for me, I lose the game.

I want wisdom. I’ve asked for it for the Bill Rice Ranch, my family, and the good folks we are privileged to serve. You need wisdom for your day, your job, and your family. If you will begin with wisdom in your personal life, it will spread to all areas in which you have a stewardship.

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