Hebrews 1:12b  “But thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.”

Who is the first U.S. President you can remember?  I (barely) remember going to the polls with Mom and Dad when Ford and Carter were on the ballot.  What is the first car you can remember your parents driving?  My dad loves cars, and he can remember every car my grandparents had, every car he has had, and about half of the cars he has seen!  Do you remember what the world was like twenty years ago?  If you do, you would agree that our world has changed at an amazingly rapid rate!

The truth is, things are changing all the time! Some folks seem to like change, just for the sake of change; others have an aversion to any kind of change.  In a world of change, the only Person who does not change is God’s Son. The one Person who was “in the beginning” is the only Person who has not changed!

If you need an example of change in our world, just look at fashion.  Fashion is so fickle!  (Based on some of the fashions I’ve seen over the years, change is not a bad thing!)  When styles change at some point, you fold the clothes up, put them in a box, and either give them away or wait fifteen years and pull them back out!  For example, paisley ties like I had in Bible college nearly twenty years ago are back in fashion.  People my age think my tie is “retro” while teenagers think I am cool and cutting edge!

At some point, any person you know, garment you wear, or car you drive will change.  But unlike fashion, which always changes, the Lord Jesus Christ never does.  He is better than the prophets that foretold Him and better than the angels that announced His birth.  He cannot get any better than He is right now.  The bottom line is this: The only change that is good in our lives is change that makes us more like the unchanging Son of God.

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