Matthew 24:1 “And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.”

Is God Amazed?

We are living in a day where everyone wants to share every experience and thought with everyone else. It has completely changed how we relate to one another, the speed at which we communicate, and the platform to make our individual “voice” heard. We want everyone else to be amazed and interested in what we are doing.

The truth is, God cares about you and what you do, but He is never amazed at your experiences. Can you imagine what it would take to impress God in flesh? In Matthew 24, the disciples tried to impress the Lord Jesus with what amazed them. The problem with being amazed is that, like the temple they pointed out, it never lasts!

We want to share our amazement at life with others; Christ wants to share His power and stability over life with us. The Lord Jesus wasn’t amazed by what was, and nothing in your day will amaze Him. Events may surprise you or catch you off guard, but the Lord is never amazed by what is.

Not only that, the Lord is never fearful of what will be. The disciples asked about the sign of Christ’s coming and the end of the world. In response, the Lord said, “See that ye be not troubled. . . .” Why should we not be troubled? Because the Lord already knows and is in control!

Christ has the power you need for what will amaze you. Be ready, be faithful, and trust the One who has power and stability over life. There is nothing wrong with sharing events, thoughts, and stories from our lives that amaze us; but always remember that God is never amazed at what amazes us!

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