I Samuel 30:23 “Then said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath given us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us into our hand.”

Have you ever heard someone say, “That’s not fair!” More importantly, have you ever said, “That’s not fair!”? Whether it’s a kid or his parent saying (or thinking) it, what’s fair is never fair. Someone always has it easier, better, or simpler! The grass is always greener on the other side!

Cries of “That’s not fair!” are exactly what greeted David after the trouble at Ziklag and the subsequent battle. Two hundred of David’s men were so weary that they had to “stay by the stuff” near a brook. When the army recovered all of the plundered goods along with the spoils of the battle, the four hundred men that fought on the front line didn’t want to share with the two hundred men on the sideline. Why should they share when the weak men didn’t even help? Can’t you almost hear them say, “But that’s not fair!” David’s solution was to divide the spoils, graciously sharing with the two hundred weary soldiers.

When you are tempted to think or say, “That’s not fair!”, remember that life is not fair. Don’t lose sleep over something that is too much or too little, too easy or too hard, too in front or too behind the scenes. Remember, first of all, that what you have is given by God. Nothing you have is really “yours”; God owns it all and gives you whatever you have, whether that is a little or a lot.

Secondly, remember that what you have is improved by others. Whether you are on the front lines of battle, or you are staying by the stuff, what you have can be enhanced by others. If everyone just does what they can, the need is always met. A carpenter can build many things that I never could. On the other hand, a carpenter may never preach at a church or at the Bill Rice Ranch. The point is not making sure everything is “fair”; the point is doing your part with what you’ve been given. A common purpose or goal is only met when people take individual responsibility.

Don’t waste your life complaining about what is not fair. Can I let you in on a secret about what you have? It’s not fair! What you have is given by God and improved by others. Use what you have to do the job God has for you to do.

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