Ezekiel 16:63 “That thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame, when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord GOD.”

A story is told of a king who found a young lady on the side of a highway. She was outcast, uncared for, unpitied, and unclean. The king had compassion on her and took care of her. In fact, she became his bride and queen. Now she had royal apparel instead of the rags she used to wear. She wore costly jewels that reflected the grandeur of her new position. Sadly, as the story goes, she rejected the very person who did not reject her. She was foolish and unfaithful and ended up in a worse position than when she was found by the king.

That is a synopsis of the story God gave to Ezekiel in chapter 16. God is the King of the universe. Like the queen, we are the object of His provision, protection, and care. What the queen in the story did, and what we often do, is forgot the one who showed compassion in the first place. God over and again says, “Because thou hast not remembered. . . .”

We are so prone to forget who we were, who God is, and what He has made us now. We live cheaply when we forget how highly God values us and how much He paid for us. We live cheaply when we forget how much we owe Him!

If you will live up to the position you have in Jesus Christ, instead of living down to your own will and way, you will live like royalty. Remember the prized position you have and live like one who was purchased at great cost by a great and generous God!

Prayer Requests:
– Services tonight Fostoria, MI and Owensboro, KY

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